Chuckwagon Farm

4695 Battleford Rd,

Stonefort, IL 62987

(618) 499-5014

Chuckwagon Farm's Logo

Chuckwagon Farm

4695 Battleford Rd,

Stonefort, IL 62987

(618) 499-5014

Chuckwagon Farm's Building Exterior

Local and Natural Beef, Pork, & Honey Products…

Chuckwagon Farm is a small family farm operated by Wendell & Marie Yoder close to Stonefort, IL, in Saline and Williamson Counties.  They offer local honey as well as beef & pork raised without using artificial growth hormones or antibiotics.


Chuckwagon Farm beef cattle are born and raised on pasture, then finished with grain in their barn.  Most of their beef are sold by quarter and by half, most of which is custom processed.  Churckwagon Farm delivers the beef to the slaughterhouse, where the customer contacts the slaughterhouse to give their personal cutting instructions. Once processing is complete, Chuckwagon Farm picks the meat up at the slaughterhouse and bring it to the farm for customer pick up. Most of their custom processing is done at Yoder’s Custom Butchering in Sebree KY.

If you are not able to accomodate a quarter beef, they also offer beef in 1/8th beef bundles (50lb,) or by the cut at their small on-farm store.


Chuckwagon Farm hogs are raised without antibiotics or artificial growth hormones. As with their beef, most hogs are sold by whole or half, and are custom processed for the customer.  They also offer retail pork in quarter hog bundles or by the cut.

Beef amd pork bundes are usually in stock and available at any time. Please call or email us to arrange a pick-up time.

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