Conoy Custom Cuts
327 Stackstown Rd,
Marietta, PA 17547
(717) 205-6300

Conoy Custom Cuts
327 Stackstown Rd,
Marietta, PA 17547
(717) 205-6300

Custom Butchers Commited to Quality…
Conoy Custom Cuts is a local CWD certified processing butcher shop that offers year-round meat processing, including late season deer.
Whole deer processing is during archery and rifle season, with Individual batch processing available upon request.
Drop-offs are available during the Hunting Season.
Venison Processing options include fresh & smoked sausage, sweet cheddar snack sticks, pepper snack sticks, sweet bologna, lebanon bologna, cheese bologna, dried venison, chipped venison, jerky, burger, bacon burger patties, and cutting of roasts & steaks. Vacuum packaging available. Hickory & cherry smoking on-site. Skinning for cape mounts.
Conoy Custom Cuts specializes in year-round Angus Beef processing. In-house purchases of beef raised on farm is grass fed, grain finished, and sold in quarters, halves, and whole.
No retail meat sales. Terms of payment cash or check.
Hours 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday – Friday & Sat 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM While Deer Seasons Run
Directions for after-hours drop-off...
1. Back up to normal uploading area. after hours cooler door in far right of skinning area.
2. Follow posted directions on cooler wall
——using provided tags right your name and phone number on tag
——If a buck, write directions for the skinner[cut horns/save head/ skin for cape.]
——attach tag to antler or hind leg of deer
——place deer in cooler and shut door firmly
——Pick up a price list, provided and call in with your order by 9 am of next business day.
NOTICE: Entire premise is closed on Sunday. INCLUDING AFTER HOURS DROP OFF!!!