Esch Manufacturing

360 Mount Sidney Road

Lancaster, PA 17602

(717) 397-1051​

Elmer's Repair & Rental Logo

Esch Manufacturing

360 Mount Sidney Road

Lancaster, PA 17602

(717) 397-1051

Esch Manufacturing's Building Exterior

Manufacturing Expertise Featuring No-Till Grass Drills…

Located in the heart of Lancaster County’s Amish countryside, Esch Manufacturing manufactures and distributes their No-Till Grass Drills throughout the United States and Canada. Their No-Till Drills have 5.5″ Row Spacing for better ground coverage, weed control, and also better yields. Models come in sizes that include 3′, 5.5′, 7′, 10′, and 12′. Other featured items include John Deere Harvesters and Horning Kernal Processors. They also carry new, aftermarket, and used parts

Equipment Gallery