​Homestead Buildings

2085 County Road 35

Bainbridge, NY 13733

(607) 226-9130

Homestead Buildings' Logo

Homestead Buildings

2085 County Road 35

Bainbridge, NY 13733

(607) 226-9130

Wooden Shed with Red Doors and Red Metal Roof

Storage Sheds, Garages, and Cabins…

Located in Bainbridge, NY, Homestead Buildings is a one-stop destination for custom built storage sheds (cottage, high-sided barns, min-barn quaker style, mono-slope), garages (single & double), home offices, greenhouses, animal & pet shelters (horse barns, chicken coops), and cabins. 

All customized building are built in accordance with standard specification with upgrade options for structure, paint, roofing, and siding.


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