Prairie Fence

5852 S Lowell Park Rd

Dixon, IL 61021

(815) 677-1402

-Coming Soon-

Prairie Fence's Logo

Prairie Fence

5852 S Lowell Park Rd

Dixon, IL 61021

(815) 677-1402

Prairie Fence's Work Truck and Trailer

Agricultural, Residential, and Commercial Fencing Solutions…

Located in Dixon, IL, Prairie Fence LLC specializes in the sale and installation of agricultural, horse, residential & commercial fences inĀ Lee, Ogle, Whiteside & Carroll counties.

Our Brochure


Aluminum Backyard Fence

Aluminum Backyard Fence

Aluminum Backyard Fence

Aluminum Backyard Fence

Board Rail Fence

Board Rail Fence

Cantilever Gates

Cantilever Gates

Continuous Corral Panel

Continuous Corral Panel

Chainlink Fence

Chainlink Fence

Cross Rail Fence

Cross Rail Fence

Chainlink Fence

Chainlink Fence

Garden Fence

Garden Fence

Metal Cattle Gate

Montana Post Driver

H Brace Fencing

Post Hole Digger

Hi Tensile Electric Fencing

Hi Tensile Electric Fencing

High Tensile Electric Fence

High Tensile Electric Fence

High Tensile Woven Wire Fence

High Tensile Woven Wire Fence

High Tensile Woven Wire Fence

High Tensile Woven Wire Fence

Horizontal Wooden Privacy Fence

Horizontal Wooden Privacy Fence

Hotcote Fence

Hotcote Fence

Wooden Picket Fence

Wooden Picket Fence

Small Animal Woven Wire Fence

Small Animal Woven Wire Fence

Split Rail Wooden Fence

Split Rail Wooden Fence

Vinyl Privacy Fence

Vinyl Privacy Fence

Woven Wire Fence

Woven Wire Fence

Woven Wire Fence with Offset Hot Wire

Woven Wire Fence with Offset Hot Wire

Woven Wire Fence with Top Hot Wire

Woven Wire Fence with Top Hot Wire